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Breuberg Bb2

21 km
460 Hm
Singletrail: S0
Condition: K0



For families: recommendable

The shorter counterpart to the Bb1 is also technically much lighter and is aimed at the leisure rider who may only have a trekking bike at their disposal. The route is garnished with beautiful views and a surface that is always easy to ride on.
The approx. 21 km long route with an elevation gain of approx. 460 meters starts and ends directly below Breuberg Castle at the parking lot at the Breuberghalle in Breuberg-Neustadt. There are plenty of parking spaces available here and the Mümlingtal cycle path also runs here, which is shorter than the Bb1 route, technically much easier and easier to ride for leisure cyclists. After the start, you cycle along the Mümlingtal cycle path in the direction of Sandbach and then uphill along country lanes back to Neustadt. After the ascent, there is a beautiful view of Breuberg Castle on the flat section; we now ride into the forest on a trail, continuing along the edge of the forest with views of Sandbach and Breuberg Castle; then along forest paths in serpentines up to the transmission mast on the Bohrberg. The route continues along secluded trails and forest paths to a brisk descent that leads at an acute angle towards Dusenbach. The route splits after approx. 300 meters. You can go straight ahead on a much easier variant or choose the more difficult variant, which is signposted to the left. This division of the route into two variants was also chosen due to the sometimes poor surface conditions after rainy periods. After about 1 kilometer, the two routes join again. Now comes a longer ascent to the Rimhorner Höhe, where there are wide views to the south and east in the direction of Rimhorn/Lützelbach. At the end of the forest edge path above Rimhorn, we come to a small shelter, which is well suited for a short rest; then we continue sharply left on a wide path. Afterwards, there is a small, interesting trail loop immediately to the right. Finally, there is a very long descent on a wide forest path with a short, natural steep section back towards Neustadt, then via the meadow path of the approach route and via the Mümlingtal cycle path directly to the starting point “Breuberghalle”. The route runs almost exclusively on natural field and forest paths and was chosen with consideration for nature, forestry, hunting and all other recreational sports.

For families: recommended
Technical requirements: low

Peter Hock
Route sponsor Bb2
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